16 research outputs found

    Classificazione di suoli nudi e loro tessitura in un'area agricola della Lombardia attraverso dati telerilevati

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    The objective of this thesis is to make a contribution for the description of a parameter necessary to assess the soil protective capacity, the soil texture: this physical property is essential in various groundwater vulnerability models. Through the use of Landsat satellite (optical multispectral sensor), it was possible to characterize the land cover in an agricultural area of the Lombardy Region, examining soil texture and how these change in the time, in relation to climatic conditions and planting cycles of crops at the time of satellite acquisition. The Landsat data processing relies on Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis (LSMA) and radiometric campaign to collection in situ spectral signatures, useful to compare the field spectral signatures to spectral responses of the satellite image. This technique allows the quantitative characterization of the endmembers abundances identified in the sub-pixel level and, through the decision tree, tool based on nodes "higher/lower" than specific thresholds, it was possible to classify each pixel and produce bare soil maps. The use of pedological maps provided the soil texture information in the study area, describing the spatial distribution and characterization of soils. The integration of pedological information to EO products, through a statistical analysis, it allowed to correlate the bare soil abundances, the reflectance data and soil texture classes, to see if a specific abundance or reflectance is descriptive of one or more textural classes. The possibility to observe the spatial variability of bare soil classes in the time, allows to understand what are the causes that determine these changes. Finally, the updating of soil types, characteristics and condition in which terrain is located, with good temporal resolution, could increase the data significance, useful to describe the soil protective capacity

    Climate Change in Italy. A history of science, politics and public opinion (1988-2012)

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    La tesi di dottorato ivi presentata si pone come obbiettivo la ricostruzione come questo sapere scientifico (la scoperta del cambiamento climatico antropico sostanziata dalla comunità scientifica di 190 paesi) ha influenzato la ricerca, la politica e il discorso pubblico nel nostro paese, l'italia. Il titolo è indicativo quando riassuntivo: Il cambiamento climatico in Italia. Istituzioni scientifiche, politica e discorso pubblico (1988-2012). Esso definisce in maniera puntuale i temi che si tratteranno: una genealogia di fenomeni storici, politici, culturali nati in nuce alla scoperta di questo cambiamento che influenzerà in maniera determinante il modo in cui viviamo, l'ambiente intorno a noi, i modelli di sviluppo, la sicurezza del nostro abitare, la forma delle nostre città. In ogni paese questa complessa scoperta ha avuto impatti differenti, un portato differente sulla ricerca e sullo sviluppo economico. Quello che in queste pagine si tenta di analizzare è come l'Italia ha assimilato il discorso del cambiamento climatico , in continua evoluzione date le sue infinite ramificazioni, e come ha reagito a livello politico e di ricerca.How we have started talking about climate change? How policies has been shaped? How research has forced institutions and policy makers to act to cut greenhouse emission? The aim of this PhD dissertation is to trace the genealogy of the issue of climate change in Italy, in research institutions, politics and the public discourse. The author will analyze how research on anthropic climate change- related topics has arise, what measure has been taken from italian politicians, what role newspapers have played in forming the public opinion, which role has played the civil society in stressing the relevance of this phenomena. In particular the thesis use the archive of Umberto Colombo, president of ENEA, ministerial documents, and newspapers' archive, to reconstruct the history of science, politics and public discourse from 1998 to 2012.No Avalaibl


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    Questa tesi è il risultato della collaborazione tra la facoltà di “Scienze Politiche” dell’Università di Pisa e il Centro Ricerche ENEA (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente) “Ezio Clementel” di Bologna. Nell’ambito di uno stage formativo, svolto sotto la supervisione dell’ing. Paolo Neri in un quadro di spin-off tra l’ENEA e la società LCA-lab, si è utilizzata l’analisi del ciclo di vita (Life Cycle Assessment) per analizzare gli impatti ambientali del sistema-paese Senegal. Obiettivo della tesi è presentare il metodo LCA come strumento in grado di analizzare il sistema produttivo di uno Stato, nello specifico il Senegal, valutandone l’impatto ambientale e il benessere prodotto. Attraverso il confronto con un modello ipotizzato, si cerca di evidenziare quali aspetti del sistema siano inadatti ad uno sviluppo sostenibile perché ecologicamente nocivi e socialmente inefficaci; allo stesso tempo, si propongono dei miglioramenti che, rispettando i criteri dell’eco-sostenibilità, permettano il conseguimento di un benessere diffuso. La tesi propone dunque un confronto tra due concezioni diverse dello sviluppo: quella del modello attuale che persegue la crescita economica e quella del modello proposto che ipotizza un cambiamento, in un arco temporale di venticinque anni, verso pratiche che mirano a trovare una sintesi ottimale tra tutela ambientale e benessere sociale. L’analisi è stata svolta attraverso l’uso della metodologia Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), che ci ha permesso di quantificare gli effetti ambientali – riferiti all’intero ciclo di vita (produzione, utilizzo e smaltimento) – delle produzioni e di confrontarli con la diffusione del benessere all’interno della società. Il lavoro si apre con l’illustrazione della problematica ecologica generata dal modello di sviluppo volto alla crescita economica, attualmente egemonico a livello globale. In seguito si analizza il principale rimedio a cui si fa riferimento per limitare gli impatti ambientali delle produzioni, ovvero la monetarizzazione dell’ambiente. Di questa metodologia se ne spiega il funzionamento e se ne rilevano i difetti ed i vizi sostanziali, dovuti all’insostenibilità essenziale del modello di sviluppo attuale. Al fine di fornire una soluzione definitiva alla problematica ambientale, si propone un’alternativa di sviluppo basata sull’uso del metodo LCA come strumento di analisi e di pianificazione del sistema produttivo. Si mostra quindi, in via esemplificativa, un caso pratico di utilizzo della metodologia analizzando la situazione attuale del Senegal a confronto con un’ipotesi di sviluppo pianificata attraverso l’analisi LCA

    Substrati artificiali per gli interventi di ripristino ambientale in aree contaminate da metalli pesanti

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    Mining activities can have a large local impact on the environment, in particular for the soils the problems are toxicity, high concentrations of heavy metals and low concentrations of nutrients and they are the cause of the difficulty in the development of plant species in these areas. In order to perform an environmental restoration, in these areas it is necessary to intervene on the ground by means of the substrates that are able to support the development of the vegetation (Tordoff et al., 2000). In mining areas it is necessary to intervene with the substrates to enhance growth of vegetation (Tordoff et al., 2000). In Sardinia, the mining activity has caused big changes of the territory with consequent problems of degradation and environmental impact. The problem of management of industrial structures and of the enormous amount of deposits of potentially polluting materials are created by the cessation of mining activities (Bacchetta et al., 2007). The purpose of this work is to study the development of methodologies, using a technical-scientific approach to use man-made substrates in environmental restoration in areas contaminated by heavy metals. This objective was pursued through the study of different man-made substrates, obtained by mixing different percentages of contaminated soil with dedicated substrates. The dedicated substrates were obtained by mixing different raw materials according to specific proportions. The considered disused mining area is that of Montevecchio, western Sardinia, in the area of Sulcis-Iglesias-Guspinese, identified as the site of reclamation of national interest (DM 468/01) and bounded by Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea of 12 March 2003 (Plan Reclamation of disused mining areas of Sulcis-Iglesias-Guspinese, 2008). The contaminated soil was collected from the tailings pond in the mine of Montevecchio. After an analysis of previous studies and a careful bibliographic search, it was decided to use like plant species: Artemisia arborescens L. (Fam. Asteraceae), a native plant and colonizing plant; the Nerium oleander, a perennial plant that can be sampled throughout the year and the Populus Nigra L. Italica, a fast-growing species with a percentage of rooting for vegetative reproduction of 65%. All individuals of the populations used in the experiment were obtained through the taking of clones from mother plants growned in the wild. Subsequently the selected plants were propagated by agamic reproduction, through cuttings. The cuttings were grown in the greenhouse in plateaux and after rooting, were transplanted into pots, previously filled with the man-made substrate. The clones were placed in the greenhouse, in conditions of controlled temperature and humidity and regularly irrigated by drip. Weekly have been verified the plant health condition and the growth of the aerial part by detecting heights of plants by measuring the distance between the plane of the edge of the pot and the apical part of the plant. For each man-made substrate it was determined the content of C, H and N, pH, CSC, EC, the content of heavy metals and nutrients. The efficiency of the substrates were determined by the development of the growth curves, obtained by the mean value of the parameter biometric height. By the comparison between the curves it was possible to measure the influence of the genetic variability on the growth of different clonal populations planted in the same substrate and the influence of different substrate on the same clonal population